Let Us Take Away The Risk... 
Special Offer: 24-hour Trial For Only $1
Let Us Take Away The Risk...
Special Offer: 24-hour Trial For Only $1
Special Offer: 24-hour Trial For Only $1
You'll be billed $1 immediately.
After 24 hours, you'll be billed $27 every 30 days (Cancel Anytime).
The Difference Between Every Other Membership Site And The Landing Page Of The Month Club.
If you've been surfing around the internet for any time at all you know there are lots of places to get Local marketing training.

It wasn't always that way, but today, all kinds of 'experts' have sprung up to offer their advice and... accept your payments.

They may LOOK good and even sound believable, but I'll bet there's one thing they completely overlook...
And That's - Helping You Leverage Their "Results"
This isn't just another training program. 

You're getting assets we've spend a boat load of money building, managing and perfecting. 

Instead of training for months like you normally see... 

You Get Instant Access to EVERYTHING Below

Landing Page Of The Month Club

March Landing Page - Dental, Emergency Dental, Physical Therapy Already Live!
April Landing Page - Roofing Already Live!
May Landing Page - Personal Injury Already Live!
June Landing Page - Pest Control Already Live!
July Landing Page - Goes Live Last Week of the Month

Landing Page Of The Month Club

March Landing Page -
Dental, Emergency Dental, Physical Therapy Already Live!

April Landing Page -
Roofing Already Live!

May Landing Page - 
Personal Injury Already Live!

June Landing Page -
Pest Control Already Live!

July Landing Page -
Goes Live Last Week of the Month
Here's What You'll Get Every Month
Are You Serious About Growing to Six-Figures and Beyond?
Let Us Take Away The Risk...

Niche Landing Page Assets

Niche Case Studies (2 Minimum) 

ROI Calculator Examples (3 Minimum) 

You'll receive 3 ROI calculators with undeniable proof to back you up and help you connect with prospects! The three scenarios give you examples of an average scenario for your prospect, an amazing success scenario, and a worst case scenario - a scenario that STILL provides them an annual benefit!

Niche Google Ads KPIS

Special Offer: 24-hour Trial For Only $1
You'll be billed $1 immediately.
After 24 hours, you'll be billed $27 every 30 days (Cancel Anytime).
Why Join Landing Page Of The Month Club?
Joining our Landing Page Of the Month Club gives you benefits you may not have realized. Take a look at 5 Key Reasons:

Most digital marketing agencies make very weak connections with prospects. Why? Because they aren't focused on adding value to each prospect. Or they simply don't believe they have value to offer a prospect.

You've seen our before and after ROI calculators. 

Now, you can connect with prospects who know exactly the type of value you bring and finally build STRONG CONNECTIONS. 

When you join Landing Page Of The Month Club, each month you'll get access to a NEW vertical or niche market and a NEW prospecting opportunity. Which means - more sales opportunities! Money in the bank. 

Let's be honest. When you pay for something, you're more likely to take it seriously. If I read an a great idea in an article, there's less than a 20% chance I'll put the advice into action.  

But, if you're paying for something, I'll bet you try to get as much out of it as possible.

One of the main reasons most people join our Landing Page Of The Month Club is to STAND OUT. Frankly to JUST get access to local consulting material, proof, case studies, and the DATA they simply can't find anywhere else.

Rob, Joe and the entire 30+ person InvisiblePPC team is hard at work every month bringing you tried and true new DATA...

There's no fluff here, just the latest tested campaigns and social proof - all designed to make you more money.

All of this is unique to our members and ONLY available by membership. Its high-value and let's be honest it's exclusive content. Nothing average or basic here!

If you're ready to jump to the next level there's no time to waste. The membership opens a few times a year.  This is your opportunity... we'll see you inside.
Let Us Take Away The Risk...
Special Offer: 24-hour Trial For Only $1
You'll be billed $1 immediately.
After 24 hours, you'll be billed $27 every 30 days (Cancel Anytime).
What Some of Our Current Members Say
Special Note: Real Estate Profit Pro is not part of the Alliance. However, we do give free access to any of our new exclusive product launches (non-partner products). We'll also give you special discount links for ANY of our products :)

Our 100% Promise to You 

You can clearly see how seriously we take our responsibility to provide top quality ASSETS. 

Not just training! 

Our reputation is based on our commitment to our students and customers.

We even go one step further and choose to give our students the flexibility to discontinue this program at any time. Just let us know by emailing support, and your billing, and of course your access will stop... it goes without saying, we'll miss you.

In the absence of any notice from you, we will continue to bill you for membership every 30 days. Also, due to the proprietary nature and volume of the training all instantly available to you, all sales are final and No Refunds will be issued.

- Joe Troyer & Rob Warner
Frequently Asked Questions
Is this content dispensed out over time or do I get access to everything?
You get immediate access to everything currently in the membership vault. As we add new content you get access to that as well, as long as you're a member.
Is this training all PDFs or all Videos?
Remember this isn't a normal course. You won't find 63 hours of monthly training each month. (😘You're welcome...) Each month you're getting assets. Landing pages, case studies, current market lead costs, lead volume and more... again ALL of it is unique to the Landing Page Of The Month Club and not available anywhere else!
Why would a business need my help?
Most local businesses are busy enough running their business every day and putting out fires.  Use our proven documented results and case studies to show the value of Landing Pages. Virtually every local business owner hates wasting money and if you establish a relationship, not just a sales pitch, they will let you advise them. They want to feel like you are a partner, not just another marketer. 
Don't businesses usually have their own marketing dept?
In some large businesses they may, but smaller and midsize almost NEVER do. But even if they do, that doesn't mean they are doing a great job, or there isn't a missed opportunity they aren't willing to pay for help to solve! Many will outsource specific projects or types of marketing campaigns they just can't do... or don't want to do.
Won't my clients Be Taking A Chance On me?
Nope. That's because you're leveraging our proven campaigns. You arrive prepared...

Showing how you can undoubtedly add value to their business.
This seems inexpensive... Why don't you charge more? 
It is underpriced. You are correct. Our Landing Page Of The Month Membership should cost way more and shortly - will cost more. Our goal is to build a thriving membership before we start really restricting enrollment. 

Let Us Take Away The Risk...

Special Offer: 24-hour Trial For Only $1
You'll be billed $1 immediately.
After 24 hours, you'll be billed $27 every 30 days (Cancel Anytime).
Earnings Disclaimer
We don't believe in get rich programs - only in hard work, adding value and serving others. Our programs are intended to help you improve your business skills and encourage you to take action so you can build your business. Our programs take a lot of work and discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program. Please don't enroll in our programs if you believe in the "money for nothing get rich quick" ideology; we only want serious people who want to work hard to build their business. As stipulated by law, in promoting this and all our programs we use illustrative numbers only and we cannot and do not make results guarantees or give professional or legal advice. That's why it's important that you read all of our terms and earnings disclaimers via the link below as you are not guaranteed to get results or earn an income. It's all the regular legal disclaimers but we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (and you) to a high standard of integrity. That's why we also put our disclaimers on all our checkout pages. Thanks for stopping by.